Finally, a leadership program for smart, successful and supportive women lawyers who speak your language and "get you".
Are you a woman lawyer ready to step into leadership in your practice?
Can you relate to any of the following?
- You have a vision for your practice and you want accountability, support and community to connect with as you make tough decisions and reach your milestones.
- You're transitioning to partnership and you want to be decisive and intentional about how you lead in your new role.
- You're already in management and you want to hone your skills, have your voice heard and exert greater influence over the direction of your firm.
- You're building a firm of your own and you want support honing the skills you need to build your practice and lead your team.
- You're a successful lawyer with a busy practice, but you feel like your days are more reactive than you would like. You want to develop yourself as a leader and gain control and balance over your work.
- You have decisions to make about your career. Instead of limiting yourself to what you've assumed are your options, you want to generate outside of the box opportunities where you can lead the way.
- You're returning to practice after a mat leave and you want to lead yourself, professionally and personally, including paving the pathway to a successful career and building a team to support you.
- You're starting in a new role where you have increased responsibilities for leading others. You want to give yourself the support you need to excel in your new role.
- You want to develop the self confidence and authority to set boundaries around your work and delegate to your team so that you can pursue the projects that will have the greatest impact.
- You want to surround yourself with more leaders who are like you and leverage your collective strength and support to push beyond limitations and stereotypes of what leadership looks like in the legal profession.
- You want to surround yourself with like minded women leaders who can relate to your experiences and share resources and insights to help you move past obstacles and claim your unique leadership style.
- You want 2024 to be the year you redefine yourself as a leader.
If you can relate, consider the transformation that is possible for you when you focus on growing yourself as a leader over the next six months.
When you join, you will be in a community of like-minded high-achieving women lawyers just like you who have big goals for themselves and for their practice.
You will have a dedicated space with the structure and support you need to make the changes you want to make.
The program runs from July to December 2024. Here's what you can expect:
- A six month group coaching and mastermind program for up to 8 women lawyers.
- A structured curriculum with 6 curated monthly themes:
- Setting Your Leadership Goal
- Developing Your Self Concept as a Leader
- Using Obstacles as Your Roadmap
- Assuming Confidence, Authority and Power
- Setting Boundaries and Delegating
- Sustainable Growth as a Leader
- Two 60 minute group coaching calls each month over Zoom (the second and fourth Wednesdays at noon PT), including:
- A lesson and strategy call
- A coaching and mastermind call
- Two private 60 minute coaching calls over the course of the program
- Strategic exercises each month
- Two "bonus" classes
- Time management
- Transitions.
Through this program, you'll learn to give yourself permission to lead, feel confident making decisions and trust yourself as the leading authority in your practice.
You'll also learn to let go of the need for external approval and validation and learn to face challenges like overwhelm, self-doubt and imposter syndrome with grace and determination.
This is your chance to step into the next phase of growth in your career where you take what you have already learned and use it as a stepping stone for leadership, of yourself and others.
You don't need to do this alone. You can be surrounded by women just like you who are doing exactly the same thing and making leadership the norm.
If what you've read here speaks to you, then you're exactly who I created this program for.
I would love for you to join.
The program will run from July to December 2024. The calls will be at noon PT on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. You'll have access to call recordings in the learning platform in case you miss one or want to re-watch it.
The group is capped at 8 women lawyers.
Priority will be given to those who sign up first. You can register below.
If you have questions, please email me at [email protected].
If you want to learn more about me and the work I do with lawyers, please check out my podcast, The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers. I recommend starting with Episode 54: Defining Your Legacy for Inspiration, Direction and Impact.
Is this program for you?
Here are some indicators to help you decide if this program will help you step into leadership in your practice.
You're a high achieving woman lawyer with a vision for your practice. You're at a crossroads where you feel like it's your time to step up.
You know you're capable of leadership, but you haven't quite figured out what that looks like for you. You want support and inspiration to help you think outside the box and take action.
You want to bring your ideas to life instead of waiting for permission.
You're committed to transformation and you want to use the resources in this program to help you reach your goals.
You want to surround yourself with a community of women lawyers who "get you" and speak the same language.
You enjoy personal and professional development and you're excited to join a program designed by a woman lawyer specifically for women lawyers.
You know you could do this on your own, but you would much prefer to work with a professional coach who has set a curriculum for you and a group of women who will help you remain motivated and accountable to your goals.
You're resourceful, ambitious and excited to see what you can accomplish by December of this year
You love the idea of committing to a group and harnessing the momentum of succeeding together.
You love being surrounded by smart, non-judgmental and ambitious women who model leadership, innovation and excellence as lawyers.
Program Details
This is a six month virtual group coaching and mastermind experience that will run from July to December 2024. Here are the details:
What topics will you cover?
The monthly topics are, in order: (1) Setting a Leadership Goal; (2) Your Self Concept as a Leader; (3) Obstacles as Your Roadmap; (4) Assuming Confidence, Authority and Power; (5) Setting Boundaries and Delegating; and (6) Sustainable Growth and Leadership. There are also two bonus classes: (1) Time management; and (2) Transitions.
What result will I create in the program?
You will set your personal leadership goals that you work on during the program. Your goal can be whatever is most relevant to your growth as a leader, whether it involves assuming a leadership position at work, transitioning in your job or career transition, building your profile and leading your team within your organization, building your practice as a solo practitioner, increasing your profile within the legal community, defining your legacy goals and building the courage to pursue them, leading yourself in your practice through better time and practice management, transitioning back to practice after a maternity leave and leading yourself professionally and personally. You will have support to create your goal and your plan to achieve it.
How many women will be in the program?
There will be a maximum of 8 women lawyers in the program.
How does the program work?
Each month has a theme. You'll be given a set of exercises each month along with resources related to the theme. There will be two 60 minute Zoom calls monthly.
When are the calls?
The group calls will be on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at noon PT. The first call is a lesson and strategy call on the month's topic with time for questions. The second call is a group coaching and Q&A call. There will also be two bonus calls (Time Management and Transitions) with a time to be determined once the program starts.
What happens if I miss a call?
The group calls will be recorded and posted to the learning platform so that you can re-watch them or watch any calls you missed. You're encouraged to attend the calls in person if you can.
Will there be time for private coaching?
You will have two 60 minute private strategy sessions with me as your coach.
How will I engage with other participants?
You will engage during our live coaching calls. You may also build relationships with other participants and engage outside of our calls if you choose to do that.
What equipment do I need for this course?
The course will be done virtually, with live Zoom calls. The course materials are hosted on a cloud based learning platform.
Welcome and Orientation
- Introduction to the Leadership for Women Lawyers: Group Coaching and Mastermind Experience
- Program Description
- Call Schedule and Zoom Link for Group Calls
- Contact Information
- Writing Prompts for Monthly Takeaways
July - Set Your 6 Month Leadership Goal
- Design Your Six Month Goal - Questions, Exercises and Resources
- GREAT! Goal Framework and Worksheet
- Intake Form - Please complete and return to me before our first coaching call
- Call Recording - July 10, 2024
- Harvard Business Review Article re Feedback
- Call Recording - July 24, 2024
August - Defining Your Self Concept as a Leader
- Define Your Self Concept - Questions, Exercises and Resources
- Call Recording - Wednesday, August 14, 2024
- Common Unhelpful Thinking Styles - PDF
- Model: Thoughts - Feelings - Actions
- Call Recording - August 28, 2024
September - Obstacles as Your Roadmap
- Obstacles as Your Roadmap - Questions and Exercises
- Call Recording - Wednesday, September 11, 2024
- Call Recording - Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Bonus Topic: Transitions
- TJP Group Coaching and Mastermind Experience - Transitions Workbook
- Call Recording - Wednesday, October 16, 2024
- Finding Your Own North Star - Martha Beck
- Change Cycle
October - Confidence, Authority and Power
- October - Confidence, Authority and Power
- Call Recording - Wednesday, October 9, 2024
- Call Recording - Wednesday, October 23, 2024
1 - 3 - 5 Year Planning Workshop (90 minutes)
- Meeting Recording - Friday, October 25, 2024
- 1 - 3 - 5 Year Planning Worksheet
November - Boundaries and Delegation
- November: Setting Boundaries and Delegating
- Call Recording - November 13, 2024
- Additional resources (mentioned in November 13, 2024 call)
- Call Recording - November 27, 2024
Bonus Topic: Time Management
- Call Recording - Wednesday, November 6, 2024
- Time Management Slide (Eisenhower Matrix)
- Time Management Notes (including audit questions and other prompts)
- Time Management Podcast Roadmap
- Quick Meal Resource
December - Sustainable Growth and Leadership
- December - Creating Sustainable Growth
- Call recording - Wednesday, December 4, 2024
- Call Recording - Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Paula J. Price
Paula is a former litigator, ICF Professional Certified Coach and creator of the weekly podcast, The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers. Paula helps lawyers thrive at all stages of practice through private and group coaching and training. She helps lawyers leader more effectively, better manage their time and practice and create sustainable and fulfilling careers. If you have questions about how Paula can help you, send her an email at [email protected].