First Summer at a Law Firm?
This course is for you.
Congratulations! You've landed a coveted summer position at a law firm. You may have lawyers in your family and get what it's all about. But for many - like me when I started - it's all new.
That's where I come in. I produced this course to help you get the most from your summer and avoid making the same mistakes that I made. Trust me, some of this stuff takes time to experience and figure out. I've done that (sometimes the hard way) and now I'm sharing what I learned with you.
I will take you through 11 tips that I wish I could tell my younger self. Tips about how to go after what matters to you, tips about how to overcome shyness and lack of confidence, tips about what lawyers really want from their students (and young lawyers) and tips on developing skills and character traits that will help you succeed as a lawyer.
Yes, I talk about the summer, but these tips will set you up for success for the long haul.
You don't need to take my word for it. Just sign up and see what you learn. It's free.
I hope you love this course as much as I loved making it.
Paula J. Price
Your Instructor
Paula J. Price
Paula is a former litigator, ICF Professional Certified Coach and creator of the weekly podcast, The Joyful Practice for Women Lawyers. Paula helps lawyers thrive at all stages of practice through private and group coaching and training. She helps lawyers leader more effectively, better manage their time and practice and create sustainable and fulfilling careers. If you have questions about how Paula can help you, send her an email at [email protected].
What you will learn
Each tip is a separate video lesson, enumerated here. The lessons range in length from 3 - 9 minutes and total about an hour. You can do them in sequence or pick and choose based on what grabs your attention.
- Introduction - Why this Course?
- 11 Tips for an Extraordinary Summer - Handout
Tip 1 - Have Clear Goals
- 1. Have Clear Goals
Tip 2 - Leverage Your Goals to Overcome Obstacles
- 2. Leverage Your Goals to Overcome Obstacles
Tip 3 - Start Building Your Community
- 3. Start Building Your Community
Tip 4 - Produce Quality Work
- 4. Produce Quality Work
Tip 5 - Build Trust
- 5. Build Trust
Tip 6 - Learn to Manage Your Time
- 6. Learn to Manage Your Time
Tip 7 - Record Your Time
- 7. Record Your Time
Tip 8 - Stay Positive
- 8. Stay Positive
Tip 9 - Be Smart About Social Functions
- 9. Be Smart About Social Functions
Tip 10 - Maintain Your Physical Health
- 10. Maintain Your Physical Fitness
Tip 11 - Get Help If You Need It
- 11. Get Help If You Need It
Thank You
- Thank You
Additional Resources
- Time Management For Busy Lawyers - free on line course with strategies to make the most of your time
- Money Mindset for Women Lawyers - on line course to help you build confidence in your discussions about money
- From Table to Boardroom - vlog with 6 practical nutrition tips for busy professionals
- Uplevel Lawyer Coaching blog - check the articles. As students, I recommend Associates Shine When